To apply to be a Broker of Global-ibct Companies Exchange, and be part of our team, please, sent us your "C.V." by E-mail, let us know you better, and our Team will give you all support.

You must to include in your´s "C.V." the following informations:


1- Have Experience in Buy & Sell Companies? Yes or No?

2- If Yes, How many years?

3- In what Countries you want to operate mainly?

4- Whant work in a part-time job or in a full-time job?

5- Whant make a career in Global-IBCT Companies Exchange?

6- You have allready a wallet of cryptocurrencies?


Sent us your "C.V."

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We look forward to hearing from you...

Thank you.


Note: Your´s Information are important for us, however they are confidential and only used for application porposes, we do not use your´s information in any other circunstancies.